Vision-and map-based non-line-of-sight satellites hybridized processing
Intelligent transportation systems use GNSS receivers as basic technological components. In urban applications one faces the problem of GNSS multipath and particularly of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) satellites. The development of GNSS receiver technologies for mass market encompasses the capability NLOS satellites processing by innovative techniques, not only based on the Signal to Noise Ratio, but also on vision or city model. This is particularly needed for urban positioning of cars for applications which require high accuracy and integrity, typically driving automation. This article deals with the detection of NLOS satellites among those tracked by an automotive-range receiver. We aim at developing a method jointly based on the analysis of video stream and a 3D map model of the environment. The article provides a literature review, an evaluation of some existing techniques and a preliminary analysis of the implementation of the retained algorithm on a prototype developed in the frame of a European H2020 "Fundamental Elements call" project.
Engineering Sciences [physics]Origin | Files produced by the author(s) |