Journal Articles Journal of Sound and Vibration Year : 2023

Waveguide finite element modelling for broadband vibration analysis of rotating and prestressed circular structures: Application to tyres


This paper deals with the waveguide finite element (WFE) method for broadband vibration analysis of rotating and prestressed circular structures. The equilibrium equations governing the vibration problem are formulated by means of a mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian description, allowing to rigorously include the effects of Coriolis, centrifugal and prestress efforts. The inflation pressure is also rigorously described by a follower pressure load at the fluid–structure interface. Due to Coriolis acceleration, solving the free response of the rotating system leads to a quadratic eigenproblem, which can be transformed into a linear eigenvalue problem. The forced response relies on modal decomposition accounting for specific properties of the eigenproblem. A simplified form of viscous damping is proposed, enabling to set damping factors for each mode, while preserving the symmetry of the undamped problem matrices. The WFE model qualitatively compares with an analytical model of a rotating circular shell from the literature. The WFE model is applied to the vibration of a rotating tyre with heterogeneous cross-section up to a frequency of 4 kHz. With rotation the dispersion curves become asymmetric. The waves propagate faster downstream than upstream due to the combined effect of Coriolis acceleration and Doppler shift. The effect of rotation is also clearly pointed out with point and transfer mobility results, showing higher amplitude downstream than upstream. Some dominant mode shapes over the considered frequency range are finally presented and discussed. The results of this study exemplify the efficiency of the WFE approach for broadband vibration analysis of rotating tyres.

Dates and versions

hal-04273593 , version 1 (07-11-2023)



Fabien Treyssède, Julien Cesbron. Waveguide finite element modelling for broadband vibration analysis of rotating and prestressed circular structures: Application to tyres. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023, 543, pp.117361. ⟨10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117361⟩. ⟨hal-04273593⟩
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