- Tampere University of Technology [Tampere]
- Teaching And Learning Enhanced by Technologies
- Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
- Technical University, Vienna
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology [Haifa]
- Technische Universität Dortmund [Dortmund]
- Technische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology
- Technische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Technocentre Renault [Guyancourt]
- Technologies pour une Electro-Mobilité Avancée
- Tel Aviv University
- Télécom Bretagne
- Télécommunication, Interférences et Compatibilité Electromagnétique - IEMN
- Télécom Paris
- Télécom ParisTech
- Tempora
- Temps, espaces, langages Europe méridionale-Méditerranée
- Terra Nova
- Terrassements et Centrifugeuse
- Territoires
- Territoires, Environnement, Télédétection et Information Spatiale
- Territoires, Villes, Environnement & Société - ULR 4477
- Texas A&M University [College Station]
- The City College of New York
- The Danish National Centre for Social Research
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University [Hong Kong]
- The Institute of Doctors Engineers and Scientists - IDES
- The Institute of Environmental Medicine [Stockholm]
- The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
- Théorie économique, modélisation et applications
- Theorik-lab
- Théoriser et modéliser pour aménager (UMR 6049)
- The University of Sydney
- The University of Tokyo
- The University of Western Australia
- The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute [Cambridge]
- Tianjin Vehicle Emission Control Centee
- TNO Climate, Air and Sustainability [Utrecht]
- TNO [Delf]
- TotalEnergies
- TOTAL Marketing Services
- Toulouse Mind & Brain Institut
- Toulouse School of Economics
- Toyo University
- Traffic Injury Research Foundation
- Traffic Injury Research Foundation,
- Transae
- Transdev
- Trans-Missions
- Transportation Research Group
- Transportøkonomisk institutt
- Transport research centre CDV
- Transport Research Laboratory
- Travail, Emploi et Politiques Publiques
- Triangle : action, discours, pensée politique et économique
- Trinity College Dublin
- Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center